10 self-development resources


Zoomly’s workshops always include suggestions of relevant resources for participants to follow up with. Often, after the workshop, people ask for advice on where to start and where to look for resources to help them develop on a more personal level. So I thought it would be worth sharing my top 10 self-development resources. These are all websites, books or videos you can use when it suits you, at your own pace.

Career development

1. National Careers Service. This is a great site to start doing some groundwork on your career plan.

2. ‘How to get a job you love’ by John Lees is the book I recommend to anyone about to splash a large chunk of hard-earned cash on career coaching. Yes, a coach can help you clarify plans, but this book will get you going on the essential groundwork – and if having done all that you still want to work with a coach, you’ll then get better value for your time and money.

3. BBC Skillswise lets you test your skills for free – no excuse not to get going.

Personal development
5. Simon Sinek’s TED Talk.
It’s all about our ‘Why?’, right? Well, I think so. Highly-rated with good reason.

6. The Institute of Psychometric Coaching has free tests and assessments – well worth a look. BTW, I’m a fan of tools that raise our self-awareness, such as psychometric assessments. Some are more robust and respected than others. My advice: first check out the British Psychological Society’s website, especially their about intro about psychological testing.

7The VIA Survey is an online questionnaire based on Dr Martin Seligman’s pioneering positive psychology work. The not-for-profit VIA Institute offers free or low-cost versions that will give your Character Strengths in a report.

8. It’s Your Life. What Are You Going To Do With It?’ by Dr Anthony Grant and Jane Greene is top of my list if you want to turn to a book and make personal changes. It wears its psychology foundations very lightly, is beautifully written and highly practical – I still refer to it regularly.

9. ‘The Chimp Paradox’ by Prof Steve Peters. I’d be very remiss if this book wasn’t on the list. If you haven’t heard about your inner Chimp (really?), check out Prof Peters in this video.

10. Angela Lee Duckworth’s TED Talk. To make changes – and stick with them when the going gets tough – we need perseverance and passion, or grit. Duckworth is compelling on the topic.


Any suggestions for adding to this list? Please get in touch.


Dawn is the author of ‘The Feedback Book’, available now at bookstores and on Amazon.










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