Psychopaths and Leaders – same or different?

‘Business psychopathy’ now attracts a great deal of media attention. Headlines scream “Is your boss a psychopath?” Psychology terms and jargon are now common language: ‘repressed’, ‘psycho’, ‘narcissistic’, ‘in denial’. So when we see the pen portrait of the ‘successful psycho’, we can start looking at some of our colleagues in a new – and… Read more

What’s your approach to conflict?

Actually, there’s a question before that question: what’s your understanding of ‘conflict’? Because definitions vary wildly: from a mere difference of opinion to an all-out confrontation. And let’s not forget that many a workplace conflict is the product of misunderstanding. So if we take a broad definition of what conflict is, chances are we’re going… Read more

Can psychology help you sell?

Yes and no… Yes: for example, positive psychology can help if you struggle with prospects saying ‘no’. Positive psychology looks at how we explain setbacks and successes to ourselves: are they personal? Are they permanent? Are they pervasive? If we’re struggling with sales rejection, we can make life hard for ourselves by explaining it as… Read more

Find yourself a rejuvenating space

  By a mixture of luck (mostly) and judgement (minimal), I’ve found a rejuvenating space. A beautiful gallery with a great library and café, tons of natural light, cool jazz music and free wifi. Surrounded by skyscrapers and traffic, it’s a real oasis of calm. Maybe it’s why I’ve been struck by two recent and… Read more