5 ways to boost your confidence

Just because we’re good at some things doesn’t mean we’re gung-ho confident about all the things we do, all the time. Not a bit – our confidence can desert us when we’re learning something new, get on the wrong end of someone’s sharp tongue, or are simply having a tough day. Here are 5 simple… Read more

Be a better negotiator – starting today

When I run our ‘How to negotiate’ workshop, we spend some time brainstorming all the everyday situations when we negotiate with other people. Once participants get the hang of this, they come up with loads of everyday negotiating situations – and that’s important in the context of our training. It means that there are plenty… Read more

4 alternatives to the ‘hard copy of the deck’ take-away

What do you give people to take away from your presentation? Or if you’re at their place, what do you leave behind? Please don’t let it be ‘a hard copy of the deck’. Why? Because your presentation take-away has to work in a different way to your presentation. You’re no longer there to build engagement… Read more

5 ways to impress your boss

1. Find out what they value Multiple bosses are a fact of contemporary corporate life for many. This hydra doesn’t respond well to a one-size-fits-all approach. Notice what they value, and if you’re not sure, just ask. Then deliver what they value. See this challenge positively: rather than having to ‘pander’ to different preferences, you… Read more