10 tips for better meetings

Ask any professional person, “What are the biggest drags on your time?”, and the chances are that meetings will be high on the list. Meetings can be a productivity – and profit – drain, to say nothing of being energy-sappers. Too often, meetings are ineffective because they: Lack focus and a clear objective(s) Don’t have… Read more

‘The ultimate coaching question’

Many years back, I was over-stressed and unhappy, unsure what to do with my life, when a friend asked me ‘the ultimate coaching question’. Looking back, that’s pretty hard to believe: the conversation we were having took place on sun loungers in Indonesia during a long weekend break from our well-paid jobs in Singapore. I… Read more

9 simple questions to help you stay focused

We’re all busy; busier now than ever – or at least that’s the perception. Certainly we take in and process far more information on a daily basis than 15, 10 or even 5 years ago. But are we more productive? Do we get more done? Are we more fulfilled as a result? I’m not so… Read more