These are the posts that generated the most interest from Zoomly’s clients, participants in training workshops, and others interested in developing managers. Tips for building your personal brand. 10 reasons why you need to rehearse your presentation. How can I delegate when I don’t have time to explain? 6 essential steps to prepare for… Read more
Image Silver Christmas Balls by Splitshire It’s that time of year when we find ourselves at all kinds of gatherings – family, social, community and work, to name just four. Some of us just luuurrrrrve the idea of this festivity – but not all of us. I’ve written about this before, and make no apologies… Read more
Here’s a little puzzle for you before you embark on appraisal season… What’s the difference between these two scenarios? First, let’s imagine you’re reviewing your own performance over the past few weeks, months or even year (they still do annual appraisals where you work? Don’t worry; they’ll catch up eventually). Yes, there’s that deadline that… Read more
I’m hearing a lot – and I mean A LOT – at the moment about ‘collaboration’ from different parties. The most vociferous are those disgruntled folk who would really much prefer it if all the different suppliers, partners, contractors, stakeholders, call-them-what-you-wills that they deal with …could just please get on with it. Together. And… Read more