Tools for mentors and mentees

Q. Why do mentors and their mentees need tools? A. Because in a professional context, mentoring isn’t ‘just a chat’: it’s a process through which people gain clarity, insights and self-knowledge, enabling mentees to achieve goals. If you’re a newcomer to mentoring (mentor or mentee), I recommend you read my posts ‘Essential questions mentors need… Read more

6 tips for surviving teams

There’s a great deal written about how to lead teams, and a great deal written about sporting teams (which may or may not translate to organisation teams). But what if you’re a team member rather than the leader? Seems to me there’s not much out there to help you navigate that particular workplace challenge. So… Read more

Are you delegating, dumping or micro-managing?

When I facilitate ‘How to delegate effectively’ workshops, something participants need help with early on is their reluctance to delegate. This can show up as self-imposed obstacles that get in the way such as, “I don’t want to overload them”, “I’m not sure they’ll get it right”, “I’m too busy to delegate properly” and of… Read more

World Mental Health Day – what can you do?

Time flies…this year’s World Mental Health Day falls on a Saturday. The theme for this year is ‘mental health for all’, with a goal to increase the investment in mental health, widening accessibility. However, providing mental health services is even more challenging right now, as the World Health Organization‘s research reveals that 93% of countries… Read more