Best of 2021’s business books

If one of your goals for 2022 is to deepen your knowledge, raise your awareness and learn from others’ triumphs and trip-ups, then one or some of these books might belong on your ‘Dear Santa’ wish list.
Best of 2021’s business books
The 2021 Financial times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year is ‘This is how they tell me the world ends: The Cyberweapons Arms Race’. Hardly a title to shine a light on these uncertain times – the judging panel described it as ‘alarming’ – so you may prefer another title from the 2021 shortlist here.
The title I want to get my hands on is ‘The Conversation: How Talking honestly About Racism Can Transform Individuals and Organizations’. It’s about time.
I’m sure the short-listed ‘The Cult of We: WeWork and the Great Start-up Delusion’, which investigates the rise and fall of the co-working firm, will be required reading for would-be entrepreneurs.
Forbes shares their top 5 business books for the holiday season and I see that Dorie Clark’s is one of them. Looking forward to ‘The Long Game’.
Interesting that CMI’s 2021 Management Book of the Year Shortlist features titles with wide appeal: for new job starters, people who want to understand mental health and wellbeing at work, through coaching conversations and leadership.
Voracious reader (how does he do it?) Bill Gates shared his favourite 5 books this year.
Got a book you’ve read and recommended in 2021? Please let me know so I can add it to this post.
Happy reading!
Image: Whole big wall covered with lot of books. Deposit Photos