10 reasons why you need to delegate more

1.     Good delegation develops people who can then step up, making the whole team stronger and more effective. 2.     The more frequently you delegate, the more you’ll be developing a key management skill. 3.     Delegation demonstrates trust in people to take on a task and get it done. Being entrusted is motivating, as people can… Read more

Why your CFO wants you to delegate more

“What’s it to them?” I hear you say. Ask CFOs about ‘under-delegation’ and you’ll probably get a pithy reply at least – or a lecture on the damage that under-delegating can inflict on the bottom line. Particularly if your employer provides professional services – such as strategic consultancy, architecture, business development, marketing expertise, financial advice,… Read more

Are you delegating, dumping or micro-managing?

When I facilitate ‘How to delegate effectively’ workshops, something participants need help with early on is their reluctance to delegate. This can show up as self-imposed obstacles that get in the way such as, “I don’t want to overload them”, “I’m not sure they’ll get it right”, “I’m too busy to delegate properly” and of… Read more

Tips for virtual delegation

Some of us find we’re much more productive working from home, using tech tools to communicate virtually. The rest of us find it harder to deflect or deal with distractions and stay focussed to get the job done. Some people find that, despite the use of email, video calls and chat channels, communication suffers. This… Read more

7 delegation traps for new managers – and how to beat them

  You’ve been promoted – well done! So now that you manage other people, a significant part of your job is delegating work to them. This can be a watershed moment for many a new manager, particularly when it comes to delegating tasks that were once your job to get done. Those who get delegation… Read more

What can you do if someone’s work isn’t good enough?

  You’ve delegated a task to a colleague. They’ve been working on it without needing any help from you – or so it seemed. Finally, the time comes for you to review what they’ve done. Frankly, the work isn’t up to the standard required. What can you do? First of all, well done for getting… Read more

Stop dithering and start delegating

What’s stopping you from delegating? This is something we deal with right at the start in Zoomly’s ‘How to delegate effectively’ workshop. For example, people can feel very uneasy about the whole idea of asking someone to take on a task and get it done. Typical objections that I’ve heard include: “They’ll think I’m arrogant”… Read more