7 ways to build self-awareness

  Why self-awareness? When it comes to being Emotionally Intelligent, self-awareness is often described as the ‘cornerstone’ of our EQ. I’ve shared this post from the vault, as I think our self-awareness has been a bit bruised in these uncertain times. The good news is that we can take small, steady steps. Here’s a few… Read more

7 Selling tips for sales-phobes

  I’ve encountered many people who cringe at the very thought of having to sell as part of their job. Once upon a time that included me too. Work on long-term clients? Fine. But actually sell as part of the interaction, or have sales conversations with prospective clients? Rather run a mile or even ten…. Read more

Presenters: what’s your most important visual aid?

Q: Is it…that funny video? Your pointer that lights up? Maybe it’s slide #1? Or your last slide? The ‘killer infographic’? Could it be the amazing way you’ve got the room all set up? Or the whizzy interactive app? A: None of the above. It’s YOU, [your name goes here]. Yes, great visuals can help…. Read more

Why you’re not achieving your goals

  How are you doing? Good? And how well are you progressing towards your goals right now? Not this quarter, or even this month, but right now, here, today. If we’re not careful, all that planning (or daydreaming, or wishful thinking) we did way back when the year seemed all shiny and new will come… Read more

7 tips for managing your boss

Your relationship with your immediate boss is one of the most important professional relationships you’ll have. Over the course of your career you’ll pick up loads of lessons from the different people you’ll report to – yes, even when you make CEO. Your manager has a huge impact on how you feel – about yourself,… Read more

Jealous of your newly-promoted colleague?

Your colleague – maybe your best work buddy – just got promoted, and you didn’t. As well as feeling pleased for them, for some of us it’s natural to feel a pang of envy too. But don’t let this feeling get the better of you. Get jealous and it could sour an important working relationship,… Read more

101 words to help you boost your EQ

Often when I’m facilitating a workshop, particularly on topics that cover leadership, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and our mental wellbeing, the subject of emotions comes up. Yet when I ask people to shout out some words for emotions, after ‘Happy’, ‘Angry’ and ‘Sad’ they can soon run out of ideas (often, but not always, the Brits… Read more

Imposter syndrome – who, me?

Have you ever: Thought your achievements are due to luck? Feared that your colleagues will discover you are a fraud? Responded to positive feedback with ‘oh, you’re just being nice’? Told yourself you ‘got away with it’ when you succeeded? Turned down an opportunity because you would have been exposed as inadequate? If you’ve answered… Read more