Office party howlers and how to avoid them


December is here…and that means Christmas parties. Not just mince pies and mulled wine – but also colleagues, including your boss. I’ve previously posted festive season tips*; thanks to the readers who asked me to get going with this earlier in December. “I read your post the morning after I’d done EVERYTHING you shouldn’t do at the company party!” gave me a clue.

Do you want to be remembered for all the wrong reasons? If so, then no need to read on. But it you want to thrive through the office festivities, I’ve rounded up 9 resources to help.

What NOT to do

You’d think that, since #MeToo, bosses would have got the message about physical contact, etc. But it seems that Ted Baker’s boss didn’t get the memo, according to HRreview’s report. Just because it’s party time doesn’t mean you won’t fall into the same trap.

The Telegraph offers ’14 things you definitely shouldn’t say at your work Christmas party’.

It could be worse: The ILM offers some examples of office Christmas party horror stories

It will be worse: although it’s from a few years’ back, I must warn you that #1 of Huffpost’s 7 Christmas party toe-curlers is explicit, excruciatingly funny and unforgettable.

What to do

Check out ‘Career FAQs’ ‘9 Ways To Survive The Office Christmas Party’. I like #6, which could save some morning-after blushes…

If you’re an introvert who’d much rather dodge the office party, the Guardian offers solace and sensible tips.

If you’re in management and/or HR and it’s always your job to be ‘Scrooge’ beforehand and the Fairy Godmother afterwards, Business Advice offers these 10 tips.

And to add to the fun, DAS Law offers DOs and DON’Ts from a lawyer’s perspective.

*More tips, for more situations, in this previous post, whether you need Debrett’s advice on what to give your hostess, or advice for navigating the festive season at the in-laws.


Dawn is the author of ‘The Feedback Book’ and ‘How to be Zoomly at work’.




Image credit: Man with ripped sock at christmas party
@ VitalikRadko – Deposit Photos

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